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March 1, 2008

Free 1G USB Stick!

[Sorry No PICTURE]
GUESS WHAT? and I AM NOT JOKING! i filled one for myself :]
haha dont you just feel lucky that I told you this? :]
pass this website to your friends!

Free: Click here.

A content widget is a widet that - you can define by pasting in your own markup.
As a WaveMaker developer, your one-stop website for all technical questions -
Which widget is the best widget to use to display List data, for example, the results of a DB query - The List or DataGrid widget.
If you decided you wanted to create a WaveMaker application that reused some pre-existing HTML you had already written, the best way to incorporate that existing HTML would be - Create a new Content widget, pointed at the DIV you created under the Markup Tab
To configure a Button widget to fire off a Service Call, you would - Set the Button Widget's "onclick" property to the Service Call name.
The easiest way to test-run a Project, is to - Click the "Run" Button from the "Design" tab.
To build a WaveMaker Studio application, you create a - Project
The Bindings property for a widget is often used to - Define the source of that widget's backing data, or caption.
The Caption property for a widget is often used to - Set a label, or textual annotation for a widget.
If you have two spacers in the same container, and one is set to "Flex 1" and the other is set to "Flex 4" - The "Flex 4" widget will take up 4 times more space than the "Flex 1" widget.

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